Monday, December 1, 2008

Monday Night Madness

Good Evening Fans,

It seems to be a slow evening, with the weather and all, so it leads to a question that has been pondering in my head for quite some time now.. Will the fever of football EVER die out? Do you think that there will ever be a time which the fan base will be absent? I honestly do not think that you could look me in the eye and tell me that the die hard fans would be willing to let that happen. There seems to be a sense of lonesomeness whenever you do not have the comfort of your team playing on a Sunday. So, I guess that the answer is this: THE FAN BASE WILL NEVER DIE OUT! So, pack your bags and hunker down if you felt it alright to take a couple of years off. That's not going to happen. Bandwagon fans will come and go, but there will ALWAYS be the ones that bleed true colors. Be true to your school.

Staying alive!


Marc Schroder

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